Saturday, April 20, 2024

Shankar Ananda

Shankar-Ananda is an avid follower of the puranas. He is an interpreter of ancient texts in modern light.






Navratri is celebrated in various ways across India. People in the north celebrate the festival as victory of Lord Rama over Ravana...
The new fad and lifestyle among Chinese millennials is to just lie flat and do as little as possible. They call it...
Our daily lives in Covid era are surrounded by deaths – of our near ones, someone whom we knew and some well-known figures. Death is inevitable. Death is indeed a loss, but when we are not able to say a final goodbye, our grief is compounded.
Srimad Bhagavatam Mahatmyam, Chapter 3 Sloka 54: Sri Sootha said: When Sri Krishna decided to leave the earth for his abode, the...
Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter 3 Sloka 42-43: These two slokas state that those who do not read Srimad Bhagavatam are wasting their lives.
As all the sages, munis and others assembled (at Haridwar), Sage Narada and Sanat Kumaras walked in to deliver talk on the importance of Srimad Bhagavatam.

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