Saturday, April 20, 2024

Web Desk Atmanirvana






Panipuri is a favourite dish filled with potatoes, peas or any other item stuffed into small puris along with various flavoured water. It...
Havan tradition has been practised in our country for a long time. In Hinduism, every auspicious occasion has the rule of Homa -...
It is common to mumble the lines of coming naked and going naked, just darkness between coming and going, life needs the...
When you become old and wise, many mistakes will be made. Men and women were asked to talk about their unfortunate mistakes...
Before writing Ramacharitamanasa, Tulsidas had stored the story in his mind for a long time. Hence, this epic is also known as Tulsikrita...
It is said in Manusmriti that one should not dispute with someone even if they forget. Arguing with them not only leads...

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