Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Transform Your Life By Keeping Good Company

Keeping good company is as important as life. It enhances the quality of life, thinking and the soul’s quest for Atma Nirvana. Keeping good company has many virtues. The Puranas often speak of the benefits that one can derive through Satsang. It can transform your...

Be Selfless like Bheeshma, but with a difference!

Selflessness is to value more with the needs and wishes of others than one’s own. Being selfless helps us identify and connect with others that itself is rewarding. It helps crush our egos because we are not acting out of pride or for a desire to be recognized. Selflessness helps us act from our heart and soul instead of our ego, tapping into our true desired emotions.

Despair not, Sri Hari is the sole refuge

Srimad Bhagawatham, Mahatmyam, Chapter One Sloka 70: Vipraiar...In pursuit of transient wealth, Brahmins are going from house to house trying to narrate Srimad Bhagavatham. Due to this attitude, the essence of the holy book is lost.

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was the chief disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, and was responsible for awakening India spiritually He's responsible for revitalizing Hinduism and for building his stature as a major world religion. He not only introduced the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the foreign...

Spiritual Fence

I have observed a strange pattern in my life. Ever since I was an adolescent and have wanted to do something “wrong” – something that seemed against my value system, there was something to stop me. Or someone would suddenly show up...

Faith it is!

Faith. I have been fascinated by this for as long as I can remember. It seems, everything about life is governed by this little five letter word. Every religion, every spiritual text, every Master, seems to be saying – if you have...

Life lessons that can be learnt from Sri Krishna

Most of you have read the ’Mahabharata’ and are aware of the importance of Krishna's role in it. Through the ’Bhagavad Gita’, everyone is aware of the conversation that took place between Sri Krishna and Arjuna in Kurukshetra. These conversations of Madhava and Partha are not confined only to war, and Geeta’s essence applies to every step of our lives.

Entrepreneurship should be a way to make life: Sadhguru

Either you just make a living or you make a life out of this. “Entrepreneurship should not be just seen as another way to make a living. It's a way to make life. This is the choice that we...

My deepest God-feeling

For eons, and eons, man has been trying to demystify God. He is trying to understand what is that force – in the presence of which everything works, and in the absence of which, nothing does.

Does God Exist? | Osho

Does God Exist? Osho's Reaction Osho, a contemporary mystic speaks on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human condition, whether the mind, the heart, love or awareness is exposed with humor and insight, as never before. In this talk Osho responds to...
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