Everyone wants to have a wonderful future that will be rich in prosperity, travel, happiness, love, financial prosperity and luck. But nothing comes easy. For a good future, you still need to earn money. How to create a great future for yourself?
A good future appears out of nowhere and does not fall on the head of a random passerby. Lady luck chooses a certain type of people and makes their future bright. But what distinguishes those who have a bright future ahead?
The best description of how you can get a happy future is the heroine Karla from the book Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts:
“If we don’t earn our own future, we won’t have it. If we do not work for it, then we do not deserve it and are doomed to live forever in the present. Or worse, in the past. And maybe love is one way to earn your future.”
And what future awaits you? Happy or mediocre? It only depends on you. A happy future can only be earned and deserved. It is not given just for beautiful eyes. Although beautiful girls can achieve their goals with the help of appearance, marrying a wealthy men. But for this, you also need to “work hard” a little in the age of a highly competitive bride market.
How to create a great future for yourself? Earn on it. The only way. Work hard on it every day to create your ideal future. Every day, take a step towards your dream, develop professionally, educate yourself and move forward.
If you do nothing or sluggishly go with the flow, then you will live in the present, which you secretly hate. Maybe you will return to your past, to the initial and even worse positions.
One of my friends left the capital, after graduating from university, back to the village. She gave up and returned to the past, where she got married and threw her good education and red diploma into the trash. With one friend, we dissuaded her from such a step, but the girl chose not to fight for the future, but to return to the cosy “swamp” of the past.
After almost 8 years, this girl wrote to me on a social network. She complained about life, family and circumstances. She regretted that she left and did not try to achieve her innermost desires. She never realized her dreams.
In 10-20 years you will be disappointed if you didn’t do anything you should have done. You won’t regret the things you’ve done. You will regret giving up, not doing it, not trying it, and not taking the risk.
Drop doubts. Go and earn a great future for yourself.