Kalashtami, also known as Kala Ashtami, is a significant observance in Hinduism dedicated to Lord Bhairava, a fierce and powerful manifestation of Lord Shiva. It falls on the eighth lunar day (Ashtami) of the waning moon (Krishna Paksha) in each Hindu calendar month.
Understanding Lord Bhairava:
Lord Bhairava represents destruction, warding off negativity, and protecting devotees. Despite his fearsome appearance, Bhairava is revered for his ability to protect his devotees from evil forces, overcome inner demons, and grant blessings for a prosperous life. He is often depicted with a wrathful expression, fangs, and a dog as his companion.
The Significance of Kalashtami:
The term “Kalashtami” derives from “Kala,” representing time or death, and “Ashtami,” signifying the eighth lunar day. Devotees believe that worshiping Lord Bhairava on this auspicious day can mitigate the effects of negative influences and obstacles, offering divine grace and protection. There are a total of 12 Kalashtami observances in a year.
Rituals and Observances:
- Fasting: Devotees observe strict fasting, consuming only fruits, milk, or light meals throughout the day.
- Temple Visits: Many devotees visit temples dedicated to Lord Bhairava, offering prayers, flowers, vermilion, and sacred ash as offerings.
- Abhishekam: Ceremonial bathing of Lord Bhairava’s idol with auspicious substances like milk, honey, and yogurt is performed in some temples.
- Worship of Bhairava Yantra: Devotees worship the Bhairava Yantra, a sacred geometrical diagram representing the energy and essence of Lord Bhairava.
- Chanting Mantras: Recitation of Bhairava Mantras and chanting of sacred hymns dedicated to Lord Bhairava are common practices.
- Vigil (Jagaran): Devotees observe vigil throughout the night, engaging in prayer, meditation, and chanting.
- Offering of Sesame Seeds (Til): Sesame seeds hold special significance and are offered to Lord Bhairava.
Variations in Kalashtami Observance:
– Most Significant Kalashtami: The one falling in Margashira (November-December) or Kartika (October-November) is considered the most significant.
– Saptami Fasting: Some traditions observe fasting and rituals on the seventh lunar day (Saptami) preceding Ashtami, especially if Ashtami falls on a Saturday.
Kalashtami offers devotees an opportunity to connect with the powerful energy of Lord Bhairava, seeking protection, blessings, and guidance on their spiritual journey. Whether through fasting, prayers, or chanting mantras, devotees participate in this observance to experience the transformative power of Lord Bhairava’s grace.