Spiritual Quotes


Spiritual Quotes| Answer to the Questions of Life

Welcome to the collection of spiritual quotes. Since the dawn of time, humans have been searching for answers to some of the deepest questions of life: Who are we? Who is God?

Are we just a momentary outburst of chance, or there is a goal to life? It is important to note that these spiritual quotes are not mere conjecture, philosophies or ideas dreamed up a group of people; but they represent supreme truths, which have realized this is experienced by people at the highest state of meditation.

  • From unreality lead me to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.
    Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
  • Spirituality is the science of the Soul.
    Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)
  • The entire purpose of manifest existence is simply to facilitate the realization of who and what you really are. Metta Zetty
  • This universe is formed out of both consciousness forces and matter. While the study of matter has been the domain of traditional science, the study of consciousness is the science of spirituality. – Shriram Sharma Acharya (1911-1990)
  • All spiritual progress is the growth of half-knowledge into clear illumination. In our inspired moments we have the feeling that there is a greater reality within us, though we cannot tell what it is.
    A quote from the book “The Principal Upanishads” by S. Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)
  • Spirituality means respecting and honoring the spirit or life force within us.
    Bhanumati Narasimhan, Art of Living Foundation.
  • Spirituality dawns when individuality vanishes. When our ego becomes aware of something that is higher than it – the individual Spirit, or Soul; then spirituality dawns.
    Swami Rama.
  • You don’t have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
    C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
  • The word Atman (Soul) means the “breath of life”. Atman is the principle of man’s life, the Soul that pervades his being, his breath, his intellect and transcends them. Atman is what remains when everything that is not the self is eliminated. It is the unborn and immortal element in man, which is not to be confused with body, mind or intellect.
    A profound spiritual quote from the book “The Principal Upanishads”, by S. Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)
  • Without birth or death, eternal, ever-existing, free, unchangeable and beyond all conditions is this Soul of man – the real Self of Man – the Atman.
    Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)
  • All beings exist in an invisible state and then come to a state of visibility. Change occurs only on the surface, for the self-existent glory remains unchanged; changing form does not affect the self-existent Reality. Atman, Soul or the Self, dwells in all that is perishable, yet it remains imperishable.
    A Sanskrit quote from the Bhagavad Gita
  • Even the lowest of the low have the Atman (Soul) inside, which never dies and never is born, immortal, without beginning or end, the all pure, omnipotent and omnipresent Atman!
    Swami Vivekananda.
  • The first step in getting strength is to believe that “I am the Soul”. Me the sword cannot cut; no instruments pierce; me the fire cannot burn; me the air cannot dry; I am the Omnipotent, I am the Omniscient. Repeat these blessed saving words of the Upanishads.
    Swami Vivekananda.
  • Realize your true nature. That is all there is to do. Know yourself as you are — infinite Spirit. That is practical religion. Everything else is impractical, for everything else will perish.
    Swami Vivekananda.
  • The ultimate self is free from sin, free from old age, free from death and grief, free from hunger and thirst, which desires nothing and imagines nothing.
    S. Radhakrishnan
  • Because the Soul is not made of matter, since it is spiritual, it cannot obey the laws of matter, it cannot be judged by the laws of matter.
    Swami Vivekananda.
  • Just as the Atman (Soul) is the reality underlying the conscious powers of an individual, so the Supreme Soul (God) is the eternal quiet underneath the drive and activity of the universe.
    A spiritual saying in the Upanishads, from the book “The Principal Upanishads” by S. Radhakrishnan.
  • God is the Soul of all souls – The Supreme Soul – The Supreme Consciousness.
    S. Radhakrishnan on the spiritual teachings of the Upanishads.
  • Tat twam asi – “You are That”. That immanent one (God), is the same that is in the human soul. A famous spiritual saying from the Chandogya Upanishad.
  • Only those of tranquil minds, and none else, can attain abiding joy, by realizing within their souls the Being who manifests one essence in a multiplicity of forms.
    From Rabindranath Tagore’s book Sadhana – The Realisation of Life, published in 1913.
  • Weak or wicked, great or small, in men and in animal, resides the same omnipresent, omniscient soul. The difference is not in the soul, but in the manifestation. Between me and the smallest animal the difference is only of manifestation, but as a principle he is the same as I am, he is my brother, he has the same soul as I have.This is the principle of Universal Brotherhood of man with one another, with all life down to the little ants.
    Swami Vivekananda
  • Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature; external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or philosophy, by one, or more, or all of these – and be free.This is the whole of religion. Doctrines or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details.
    Swami Vivekananda explaining the philosophy of the Vedas in a lecture in his book “Vedanta Philosophy”
  • The doctrine of deliverance that Buddha preached was the freedom from the slavery of ignorance which darkens our consciousness, and tends to limit it within the boundaries of our personal self. It is this Avidya, this ignorance, this limiting of consciousness that creates the hard separateness of the ego, and thus becomes the source of all pride and greed and cruelty incidental to self-seeking. When a man sleeps he is shut up within the narrow activities of his physical life. He lives, but he knows not the varied relations of his life to his surroundings, therefore he knows not himself. So when a man lives the life of Avidya he is confined within his self. It is a spiritual sleep; his consciousness is not fully awake to the highest reality that surrounds him, therefore he knows not the reality of his own soul.
    When he attains Bodhi, i.e. the awakenment from the sleep of self to the perfection of consciousness, he becomes Buddha. 
    An excerpt from the book Sadhana, by Rabindranath Tagore.

The goal of life is to manifest the divinity within removing the veil of ignorance that darkens our minds. By gaining knowledge (both physical and spiritual ) , we can discover the unifying principles behind this diversity of creation , that is the truth. Once you have realized the truth , all the fears , superstitions and disparities cease and experiencing freedom and happiness.



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