Is there not enough time to do everything?

Everyone I know talks about the lack of time and being very busy. Do you also have no time and energy? Why is this happening and what can be done about it?

Everyone I know talks about the lack of time and being very busy. Do you also have no time and energy? Why is this happening and what can be done about it?

You can have an endless to-do list, but that doesn’t change the fact that everything obeys laws. There is a fixed amount of time. There are only 24 hours in a day and not a second more. We cannot do more than there is time in reality.

“A person’s efficiency directly depends on the ability to organize one’s time, the ability to concentrate on tasks and the ability to weed out unnecessary information.”

The only way to do everything is to correctly distribute all your tasks and reconsider their degree of importance. Try to change your time management strategy for a week right from today. This will change your life for the better.

How to do everything and why there is not enough time for anything?

Determine how much time you have

Make a list of what needs to be done. This list should include sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day. 3-4 hours for eating, shopping, showering, cleaning and other household chores. 1-2 hours for transport to work. 8 hours per work day. This is 19-22 hours of employment, but there are still 2-5 hours left for other needs according to circumstances.

You don’t have any more time. You just have to analyze the received data in order to present the big picture with your time. You can’t cut back on sleep and still be productive and healthy. You can’t watch TV shows or play games on your computer for 6 hours.

Remove distractions that take time

When we eat, rest, sleep, work and do other things, we are constantly distracted. We get messages, we get phone calls, or people tug at us. Mute your phone, do not access social networks and do not touch TV shows or entertainment sites.

Eliminate distractions that hinder your productivity. Set aside a period for entertainment on the road, before going to bed, during a smoke break, or in another short period of time. You can only have fun at this time, but not at any other time.

How to succeed?

The art of managing your time is called time management. Our life depends on the effectiveness of management. Its success, usefulness and brightness. How to do everything and succeed in everything? Be smart and be disciplined.

  1. First, you need to draw up a clear plan of work for each day. The tactical plan should be for a week, a month, a year and decades. It is important to stick to this plan and not retreat. But you can change the strategy and be flexible.
  2. Adequately assess the scope of work and abilities. But don’t give yourself more time than you need. It is better to give yourself a little less time so that you can finish faster. A person, by nature, will do the work all the time allotted for it.
  3. Determine the degree of importance of your affairs, and then proceed with the most important. Try to reduce the number of things you need to do. But do not do useless or unimportant things on which almost nothing depends. 80% of success comes from 20% of important actions, and 20% of success comes from 80% of unimportant actions. This is the Pareto principle that works.
  4. Work for 45-50 minutes and rest for 10-15 minutes. During working hours, you can not be distracted by extraneous things or be lazy. This is your work time. If you shirk or put off everything for later, then you won’t be able to do anything.
  5. Do an audit of the time spent to identify its effectiveness and errors. What takes up your time when it shouldn’t? How to increase work productivity? How not to take to do other people’s business? To whom to delegate business?
  6. What is the most important thing in time management? It’s about finding motivation. What are you trying for and what will you get in the end? Come up with a system of rewards for successfully completed plan items.

Why is there not enough time and how to do more? Work with your head, not 24 hours a day. A good time management system will help you achieve what you want. Work less and do more.

Time is running fast. How do you spend your most valuable resource? Answer yourself.