Saturday, April 27, 2024

Spiritual Readings

spiritual readings blog would explore certain facets of the puranas and characters from close quarters and also question certain well-ingrained conventional thinking. This is not a rebel column, but, like in the yore, here our plan is to bring out the truth, as we see it, through intense questioning. It may be correct, it may be wrong, but just give it a thought. That’s all.

Garuda Purana: Essential Insights for a Happy Married Life

The Garuda Purana offers profound insights into leading a happy and successful married life. Contrary to popular belief, this ancient text is not solely about death, moksha, sin-punya, heaven, hell, and rebirth but also contains valuable wisdom for daily life, including the...

Chanakya Neeti: 3 Tips for Accomplishing Any Task with Ease

In his renowned work, Chanakya Neeti, the ancient Indian philosopher and scholar Chanakya offers valuable insights on completing tasks effectively. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves unable to finish a task or leave it incomplete. However, Chanakya provides three simple...

Bhagavad Gita: Lord Krishna’s Teachings on Building Strong Relationships

The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient and profound book, provides valuable insights into various aspects of life. Among its teachings, Lord Krishna imparts wisdom on nurturing healthy relationships. Relationships can be complex, and loved ones often inadvertently cause us pain. Lord Krishna offers...

Chanakya Neeti: Creating a Fulfilling Life Through Environment and Company

Chanakya Neeti, the timeless wisdom of the ancient scholar Chanakya, continues to hold relevance in our lives today. In his teachings, Chanakya emphasizes the importance of selecting the right environment and surrounding oneself with virtuous individuals. By following these principles, we can...

Bhagavad Gita: avoid these things to become a successful person

The Bhagavad Gita, revered as one of Hinduism's sacred texts, imparts the teachings of Lord Krishna. This profound scripture recounts Lord Krishna's counsel to Arjuna during the epic Mahabharata war. Despite its ancient origins, the wisdom contained in the Bhagavad Gita remains...

Chanakya Neeti: Never Insult Them to Prevent Sin in Life

Chanakya, the venerable ancient Indian scholar, possessed profound insights into various aspects of human life. His renowned collection of wisdom, known as Chanakya Niti, offers invaluable guidance based on his extensive experiences. In the sixth verse of the seventh chapter, Chanakya emphasizes...

Vidur Neeti: Embracing Enlightened Living and Overcoming Destructive Traits

Throughout history, India has been blessed with wise individuals whose teachings have left a lasting impact on society. Among them, Mahatma Vidur, the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and a sagacious statesman, shared invaluable wisdom to guide individuals away from a life of darkness....

Chanakya Neeti: The Wisdom of Knowing When to Retreat

Acharya Chanakya, the renowned ancient Indian scholar, political strategist, and philosopher, shared his profound insights in Chanakya Neeti, a compilation of teachings encompassing various aspects of life. One of his significant principles emphasizes the importance of recognizing situations where it is wise...

Ahimsa: Embracing Nonviolence for Personal and Universal Harmony

In the journey towards the regeneration and divinization of humanity, the first crucial step is to shed our beastly nature, characterized by cruelty. Recognizing this, enlightened sages have long advocated the practice of Ahimsa, or non-injury. Ahimsa (also spelled Ahinsa), derived from...

Bhagavad Gita: 6 Timeless Teachings for a Fulfilling Life

The Bhagavad Gita, revered as the holy book of the Hindus, encompasses profound teachings that continue to resonate with people across generations. Within its sacred verses, Lord Krishna imparts invaluable wisdom to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war, providing guidance on various aspects...
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