Thursday, May 2, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

The Importance of Betel Leaves in Pooja

Betel leaves, also known as Paan leaves, have been used for centuries in Hindu worship rituals. These leaves are an important part of any pooja and are offered to various deities as a symbol of respect and devotion. Let's take a closer...

Speak Truth, Realize God!

Speaking Truth, directs to God Realization! Always Speak Truth... The Mundaka Upanishad proclaims boldly: Satyameva Jayate - Truth alone triumphs, not untruth. This is because only by being honest with ourselves and with others, we can clean the dirt of the imperfections driven by ego...

KBC Question: Who was Lopamudra, Married To The Sage Whom He Created?

In KBC-12 i.e. Kaun Banega Crorepati, a question was asked, which sage was he, who created a girl and then married her. She was Lopamudra. Whose forms of discussion were everywhere. But she was also a very intelligent woman.

Perception, Ego & Reality

Perception, Ego & Reality Here we are trying to explore our Perception and Ego. Go through the below words, and the video in the bottom.  We suffer from a hallucination, a false and distorted sense of our own existence as living organisms. Most of us have the...

6 Things to Keep in Mind When Chanting Mantras

Mantras are powerful tools for invoking the blessings of the divine. In Hinduism, chanting mantras is an integral part of pujas and other religious ceremonies. However, to derive the maximum benefit from chanting mantras, one needs to do it correctly. Here are...
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