Thursday, May 2, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

What to do if you find money on the road?

Have you ever found money lying on the road? It may happen quite often, and you might be tempted to just pick it up and keep it. However, have you ever wondered what the spiritual significance of finding money on the road...

By doing these, you will be able to eliminate your karmas and sins from your previous birth.!

It is believed that a person will suffer the consequences of bad karma of previous births in his current birth. What are the remedies for the sins of previous births..? What remedial measures should be followed to eliminate sin..?

Perception, Ego & Reality

Perception, Ego & Reality Here we are trying to explore our Perception and Ego. Go through the below words, and the video in the bottom.  We suffer from a hallucination, a false and distorted sense of our own existence as living organisms. Most of us have the...

‘Ubuntu’ – I am because we are

An anthropologist who had been studying the Xhosa people of Africa, was leaving to return home when he had a revealing experience, which he narrated. While waiting for his ride, he decided to play a game with the little children who milled around him. He...

6 Things to Keep in Mind When Chanting Mantras

Mantras are powerful tools for invoking the blessings of the divine. In Hinduism, chanting mantras is an integral part of pujas and other religious ceremonies. However, to derive the maximum benefit from chanting mantras, one needs to do it correctly. Here are...

Why is Ram Navami celebrated? Its Significance in Hinduism

Ram Navami is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in honor of Lord Rama's birth. It is observed on the ninth day of the Hindu lunar month of Chaitra, which typically falls in March or April according to the Gregorian calendar. Lord...

China’s youngsters practice a form of Hindu philosophy

The new fad and lifestyle among Chinese millennials is to just lie flat and do as little as possible. They call it ‘Chilling.’ This is to avoid early burnout. It is a form of meditation, a runaway from the materialistic world, and...

The Significance of Peepal Tree Worship in Hindu Mythology

In the ancient land of India, where spirituality and mythology have seamlessly intertwined for millennia, the Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) has been revered as an emblem of divinity. The Peepal tree, recognized by various names such as the Bodhi tree, Pimple tree,...

Why is Shankh blown before start of puja in Sanatana Dharma?

The Shankh is the conch shell, which is blown before a puja begins or when someone enters the room. It is also blown five times before offering a prayer to the Gods. The Shankh also has many other uses in Hinduism. It...

Hanuman Jayanti Significance and Importance

What is Hanuman Jayanti ? Hanuman Jayanti is an important festival celebrated by Hindus across India to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman, who is considered one of the most powerful deities in Hindu mythology. The festival is celebrated...
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