Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon or Low Lunge Pose)

Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon or Low Lunge Pose)
Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon or Low Lunge Pose)

In the realm of yoga, where each asana represents a graceful fusion of strength and serenity, Anjaneyasana, often known as the Crescent Moon Pose or Low Lunge Pose, emerges as a powerful heart opener and a symbol of balance. This pose not only provides a profound stretch to the hip flexors but also encourages inner strength and tranquility. Join us on a journey to explore the essence of Anjaneyasana, its practice, benefits, and the sense of equilibrium it can bring to your yoga practice.

The Essence of Anjaneyasana:

Anjaneyasana, a Sanskrit term, can be understood as follows:

– “Anjane” is a reference to Lord Hanuman, a revered figure in Hindu mythology known for his unwavering devotion and remarkable strength.

– “Asana” translates to “pose” or “posture.”

Hence, Anjaneyasana embodies the spirit of strength, devotion, and an expansive heart, much like the celestial crescent moon.

The Practice:

To gracefully perform Anjaneyasana, follow these steps:

1. Starting Position: Begin in a standing position at the front of your yoga mat, with your feet hip-width apart. Take a few moments to connect with your breath and ground yourself.

2. Step Back: Step your right foot back, approximately three to four feet behind you. Plant the toes of your right foot firmly on the mat, with your heel lifted.

3. Deep Lunge: Bend your left knee, creating a deep lunge. Ensure your left knee is directly above your left ankle, and your left thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your right leg straight, and your toes pointing downward.

4. Square Your Hips: Square your hips to the front of the mat. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your pelvis and maintain balance.

5. Arms Upward: Inhale as you sweep your arms overhead, either bringing your palms together in a prayer position or keeping them shoulder-width apart. Lift your gaze gently, opening your chest and heart.

6. Optional Backbend: To deepen the stretch and experience a backbend, gently arch your upper back, allowing your head to tilt back slightly. Be mindful not to strain your neck.

7. Breathe and Hold: Take deep, mindful breaths as you hold the pose, feeling the stretch in your hip flexors and the expansion of your chest. Aim to hold for 30 seconds to a minute.

8. Release the Pose: To exit the pose, exhale as you bring your hands back down to the mat. Step your right foot forward to meet the left, returning to a standing position.

9. Repeat on the Other Side: Repeat the sequence with your left foot back to balance the stretch.

Benefits of Anjaneyasana:

1. Hip Flexor Stretch: Anjaneyasana provides a deep stretch to the hip flexors, which can become tight due to prolonged sitting.

2. Strength and Toning: The pose strengthens and tones the leg muscles, particularly the quadriceps and hamstrings.

3. Heart Opener: It opens the chest and heart, promoting emotional release and a sense of expansiveness.

4. Balance Enhancement: Anjaneyasana enhances balance and concentration as you hold the lunge position.

5. Digestive Stimulation: The pose can stimulate the digestive organs, aiding in digestion.

6. Mind-Body Connection: Practicing Anjaneyasana encourages a deeper mind-body connection, fostering inner peace and self-awareness.

Cautions and Modifications:

– Individuals with knee issues should consider placing a folded blanket or cushion under their back knee for added support.

– For increased stability, practice near a wall or use a chair for balance.

– Avoid over-arching your back, especially if you have lower back concerns. Keep the arch gentle.


Anjaneyasana invites you to embrace both physical strength and inner peace. It is a potent heart opener that stretches and strengthens your body while nurturing a sense of equilibrium. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth that Anjaneyasana offers, and remember that each time you practice, you are cultivating both physical and emotional well-being on your mat.


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