Sunday, May 5, 2024
Home A dead body should not be left alone: ​​Do you know what the Puranas say about this? Hinduism also has a tradition of cremation. Further Garuda Purana mentions some inscriptions related to this. If a person dies, the dead body is not cremated after sunset. Also, the dead body is not left alone. What is the reason for this? Here is the answer. 

Hinduism also has a tradition of cremation. Further Garuda Purana mentions some inscriptions related to this. If a person dies, the dead body is not cremated after sunset. Also, the dead body is not left alone. What is the reason for this? Here is the answer. 

Hinduism also has a tradition of cremation. Further Garuda Purana mentions some inscriptions related to this. If a person dies, the dead body is not cremated after sunset. Also, the dead body is not left alone. What is the reason for this? Here is the answer. 


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