Sunday, May 5, 2024

Second 20 years. What to do in middle age?

We all become adults sooner or later, but this is not old age and not the end of life. This is another opportunity and your second twenty years. Take everything from life. You have one more attempt to make the future beautiful,...

What Is Self-Loathing?

Self-loathing refers to an intense and pervasive feeling of dislike, disgust, or hatred directed towards oneself. It is a profound form of negative self-perception where individuals harbor strong feelings of unworthiness, shame, and a belief that they are fundamentally flawed or inferior....

Overcoming Unfairness: Empowering Change

Unfairness is an unfortunate and inevitable part of life. We've all encountered situations where we felt treated unjustly, whether it's in our personal relationships, at work, or in society at large. Dealing with unfairness can be challenging, but it's essential to find...

The Power of Self-Forgiveness: Lessons for Healing

In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, one often encounters the transformative concept of forgiveness. While forgiveness has long been associated with pardoning others for their wrongdoings, there is a profound realization that forgiveness is, in fact, the ultimate act of...

The Life-Changing Knowledge of Lord Sri Krishna

Life's lessons give meaning to life. They are reassuring. The words of Lord Krishna also shed the light of knowledge in everyone, bringing everyone to think. Lord Krishna is a friend and a God. Krishna's Vachanamritas are always the...

Tips to Overcome Shyness and Make Social Connections

Social interactions play a vital role in our lives, enriching us with meaningful connections and friendships. However, for some individuals, shyness can be a barrier that hinders the process of making friends and forming lasting relationships. Overcoming shyness is not an insurmountable...

The Power of Positive Thinking for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Positive thinking has been proven to have a significant impact on mental health and overall wellbeing. Research shows that individuals who adopt a positive outlook tend to experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as greater happiness, resilience, and...

The Power of Self-Motivation: Techniques for Encouraging Yourself Without Criticism

Many of us struggle with motivation from time to time, whether it's to complete a task, pursue a goal, or simply get out of bed in the morning. Often, our first instinct is to criticize ourselves for our lack of motivation, which...

Mistakes of Our Youth

When you become old and wise, many mistakes will be made. Men and women were asked to talk about their unfortunate mistakes of youth, which they regret. What should not be done in youth, so as not to regret it later?

Follow these Vidura’s advice to remove obstacles to success

The great sage Vidura gave many messages about success in life. If we follow the policies of Vidura and move forward, life becomes even sweeter. Vidura's principles are famous like Chanakya's principles. Here you can find messages that inspire...
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