Mistakes of Our Youth

When you become old and wise, many mistakes will be made. Men and women were asked to talk about their unfortunate mistakes of youth, which they regret. What should not be done in youth, so as not to regret it later?

When you become old and wise, many mistakes will be made. Men and women were asked to talk about their unfortunate mistakes of youth, which they regret. What should not be done in youth, so as not to regret it later?

“One must always learn, even from the enemy” Publius Ovid Nason

Not all the mistakes of youth will do you good. Some would be better wisely avoided. The most popular mistakes of youth that adults regret.

Mistakes of youth

1. Don’t put off important things

The biggest mistake of youth is not what you did, but what you didn’t try. Try not to put off the goals you have for your life. Learn to play, draw, change jobs, travel, start your own business, start a family, and have children. It’s easy to put off important things, but it’s possible to miss out on opportunities and time. Don’t put off important things for tomorrow!

2. Save money

It’s boring, banal and dull, but right. Part of the income received should be set aside, and reasonable savings will help in the future. The ability to manage money needs to be taught, which many lacks.

3. Go in for sports

Go in for sports, go to the gym and do not gain excess weight. It is easier to keep yourself in shape than to lose fat accumulated over the years. It is better to live a short life beautiful and sexy than to be ashamed of your body.

4. Make time for impressions

This is one of the hurtful mistakes of youth. Collect impressions if you do not want to wake up one day with a bunch of useless things that you have accumulated over the years. Chase experiences, not things. Consumerism and shopaholism is a modern disease that has affected most of the planet. Many things you spend money on are useless and not really needed.

5. Quit smoking

Avoid smoking or stop if you are doing it right now. Shortness of breath, yellow teeth, cancer, unhealthy complexion – these are just some of the troubles. You will thank yourself many years from now. Health and extra money won’t hurt anyone. Drop it! pretend until it’s true

6. Fill your life with the right people

Relatives and friends will accompany you all your life. Take care of them. Create an environment that you genuinely like.

7. Lead a healthy lifestyle

This is one of the mistakes of youth that can ruin the rest of your life. You can make money, but you can’t buy health. Stop fast food right now. Regular and healthy eating will save you from many problems in the future. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. You will thank yourself for this in 5 years.

8. Do good

Do good deeds even if you are not asked. Making the world a little better, isn’t that right? You have to leave something positive and important behind. You yourself understand this.

9. Communicate with loved ones

Try to build healthy relationships with your parents, siblings, and other loved ones. Living in a quarrel, resentment or hatred with loved ones is catastrophically bad. There may be a moment when there will be no one to put up with. Don’t waste precious time making this most terrible mistake of youth. Growing up in a person’s life: 10 signs of maturity

10. Read books

Read as many good books as possible. This will not only expand your horizons, but it will also be a good method of self-development if you have chosen the right books.

11. Travel more

Almost all adults talk about this mistake of youth. You will forget a new smartphone, clothes or another expensive thing that you bought. But you will never forget the trip to the ends of the earth. Travelling is a real adventure and a little risk. This is a new chapter in your life that will open up a second wind. Travel will name you, inspire you and give you a new look.

12. Be grateful

You can not be a millionaire or a star, but be happy. It is more important than world success to live in harmony with oneself. Thank life for the present and be a full-fledged happy person. Have you matured or not?

13. Don’t compare yourself to others

You can envy, worry, compare yourself with others or try to impress. But as you get older, you realize how stupid and empty it all is. This is another mistake of youth, which gives so much anxiety but is not worth a damn. Live your life and enjoy it before it’s too late.

14. Buy yourself a house

Buy and build your own abode. It can be an apartment or a house, or maybe both. Try to pay off while you earn enough. Do not put off such important things for old age. Don’t be the dragonfly of the fable that missed every opportunity.

15. Be curious

Get out of your comfort zone for adventure. Don’t sit at home, try, take smart risks, and challenge the world. Excessive caution and laziness can make any life dull, insipid and empty. How did I get bored

16. Hurry to love

Fall in love, confess your feelings, do ridiculous romantic things, and have sex. This is one of the popular mistakes of youth, about which the American writer Mark Twain wrote: “On our deathbed, we will regret two things: that we loved little and travelled little.” Love is beautiful, even when hearts break. It’s worth it. Every minute, every hug, every kiss and every word “I love you”.

You cannot avoid all the mistakes of youth, but it is better to make some others than these. Why break your forehead if you can go through life a little more successful, happy, healthy and successful?