Thursday, May 9, 2024

Spiritual Readings

spiritual readings blog would explore certain facets of the puranas and characters from close quarters and also question certain well-ingrained conventional thinking. This is not a rebel column, but, like in the yore, here our plan is to bring out the truth, as we see it, through intense questioning. It may be correct, it may be wrong, but just give it a thought. That’s all.

Vidura says without these qualities one can be happy for life

The qualities we have can sometimes prevent us from experiencing happiness and may even shorten our lifespan. To attain inner peace and longevity, it's essential to cultivate purity both within and without. Our qualities determine the future of our...

Chanakya Neeti: 3 Tips for Accomplishing Any Task with Ease

In his renowned work, Chanakya Neeti, the ancient Indian philosopher and scholar Chanakya offers valuable insights on completing tasks effectively. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves unable to finish a task or leave it incomplete. However, Chanakya provides three simple...

Vidura Neeti: Four Principles for Financial Success

Money is an integral part of our lives, and without it, our existence can seem meaningless. This is where Vidura Neeti comes in, which provides us with essential principles to tackle every stage of life. Vidura emphasizes that we must earn money,...

Bhagavad Gita’s Eternal Message of Divine Intervention for Righteousness

The Bhagavad Gita, a revered scripture in Hinduism, carries a timeless message that transcends the boundaries of time and space. In Chapter 4, Verse 7 and 8, Lord Krishna imparts profound wisdom to Arjuna, revealing the divine purpose of his incarnations throughout...

Chanakya Neeti: A Timeless Guide to Self-Preservation

Chanakya Neeti, the ancient scripture attributed to the revered sage and strategist Chanakya, offers profound insights into the art of self-preservation. In a world where challenges abound, Chanakya's wisdom shines as a beacon, illuminating the path towards not only protecting oneself but...

Chanakya Neeti: Consequences of Greed for Another’s Wealth

Acharya Chanakya, the sage of ancient India, offered profound wisdom for living a successful and virtuous life. Among his teachings, he emphasized the perils of coveting someone else's wealth. Greed for another's money can lead to a host of problems and undesirable...

Chanakya Neeti: 5 Principles to Avoid Poverty and Achieve Success

Acharya Chanakya, a renowned ancient Indian economist, philosopher, and royal advisor, emphasized the significance of certain principles in leading a prosperous life. According to Chanakya, our actions and decisions play a pivotal role in determining our economic well-being. He outlined several factors...

Chanakya Neeti: Avoid These Mistakes for Lasting Money

The ancient Indian philosopher Chanakya, revered for his profound wisdom, provides invaluable insights into the art of managing wealth. In his teachings, he emphasizes that acquiring riches is not the sole objective; maintaining them and utilizing them judiciously is equally vital. Chanakya's...

Vidur Neeti for Life: How to Win the Battle of Life

Vidur Neeti is a collection of ancient Indian teachings attributed to the wise politician and advisor Vidura. These teachings offer practical advice on how to live a fulfilling and successful life, and have been passed down through generations as a source of...

Chanakya’s Neeti on parent’s mistakes that interrupt children’s success

Parents hold a crucial role in shaping the lives of their children, comparable to a nurturing tree that bends and guides its branches. However, according to the renowned scholar Chanakya, there are two critical mistakes parents can make that transform them into...
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