The main concepts of the “Art of War” from the Chinese commander

The main concepts of the

There have always been wars on the planet, and the first books on the art of war were written millennia ago. One of the most famous books about war is the Chinese teaching “The Art of War” by the commander Sun Tzu. Of course, the strategies and tactics of warfare have changed, but they have not made knowledge less relevant.

Sun Tzu is a Chinese thinker, commander and strategist who lived in the 6th century BC. e. Sun Tzu is most famous for writing the book The Art of War, which is 500 years older than the Bible and is one of the most important treatises on warfare. Sun Tzu himself served as a mercenary commander to Prince Helui in the kingdom of Wu, although his existence as a historical figure is often questioned.

Regardless of the author or authors of this treatise, The Art of War has been recognized as a masterpiece of strategy. It is a philosophy of conflict for managing battles and winning wars. It may be a collection of military texts from various generals during the Warring States Period, which was in Chinese history from the 5th century B.C.E. e. before the unification of China in 221 BC.

The book “The Art of War” itself was recommended for reading by military commanders and officers in many countries of the world. In addition to military needs, the principles from the book are used by businessmen, managers and politicians. Often this book is recommended to understand better the reasons for China’s dominance in the world and the principles of survival in an aggressive world.

Qualities of a good commander and commander

Needless to say, without proper management, even many good warriors will not be able to win. The book “The Art of War” indicates the qualities of commanders, generals, officers and leaders who control soldiers.

The qualities of a bad leader are excessive caution, compassion, vanity, recklessness, and irascibility. Commanders may have these qualities, but they definitely cannot be dominant and main.

The qualities of a good leader are calmness, unpredictability, secrecy, impenetrability, self-discipline, caution, responsibility, and setting an example. An army must be run by a man who can make it act as a single mechanism.

Basic Concepts of The Art of War The book emphasizes the importance of multiple factors in order to win not just one battle, but the war as a whole. The concept is based on using the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy to achieve victory.

1. The army must be active even when occupying the defence in order to use its tactical advantage.

2. War is the art of deceit, false attacks, spreading disinformation, and the use of cunning. Then the enemy will be doomed to fatal mistakes.

3. The basic principle of war: move where they are not expected and attack where they are not prepared.

4. War is won where the lower and higher ranks have the same desire to win.

5. If you have a significant number of soldiers – attack, twice as many – divide into parts, equal – successfully fight, fewer forces – defend, generally few soldiers – dodge.

6. The most important thing in war is the speed of the actions taken.

7. In war it is important to destroy the plans of the enemy, to shake his alliances and then to break the troops. Shootout in the street

8. The winner is the one whose commanders are talented.

9. An important part of the war is the spirit of the soldiers, as the most important life energy.

10. When defending, that is, there is a lack of something, and when attacking, that is, there is an excess.

11. To fight well, soldiers must be well trained, equipped, and the spirit is high.

12. If the army hastily retreats, leaving everything in its path, then this is due to the mistakes of the generals.

13. The winner is the one who is careful and waits for the negligence of the enemy.

14. Defense is a necessity, and the ability to win a war is offensive.

15. Haste, fear, cowardice and anger are unacceptable when making decisions in command.

16. When the army in the rear does not have stocks, weapons and provisions, then it perishes.

17. The command should avoid situations when the enemy’s spirit is strong, and attack when it is weak.

18. The worst thing in war is a siege and an assault, because without preparation the soldiers will die, and it will not be possible to take it from a swoop. Survive under fire from Grad multiple rocket launchers

19. The secret of attacking troops is to avoid the fullness of the defence and strike at the void.

20. If you surround the enemy, then do not leave him the opportunity to retreat so that he runs.

21. Rewards and punishments allow you to control the state of the troops so that they fight properly.

22. The enemy is bound by battle and defeated by manoeuvre. Drama Qin Dynasty

23. Do not rush to quickly engage in battle and also quickly retreat, because sometimes it is fatal.

24. Taking advantage of the terrain and stimulating the spirit of the soldiers is the way to victory.

25. When an army is confused, the trouble comes from its own commanders.

26. Do not move directly at the enemy if he is on a hill, but rather go around.

27. Attacks happen on the army, rear, convoys and reserves, and all together they bring victory closer.

28. A protracted war leads to exhaustion of forces, and therefore the whole company should be counted.

29. Correct combat and manoeuvres make an army invincible.

30. One should accept the fact that there will be casualties in the war, and therefore there should be no pity.

Life support methods. There is much more wisdom in the book itself, but some require adaptation to modern times of warfare. The main concepts of the “Art of War” from the Chinese commander will certainly be interesting in the current realities when wars have become commonplace in the modern world.


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