7 Signs that Indicate Good Times are Ahead

7 Signs that Indicate Good Times are Ahead
7 Signs that Indicate Good Times are Ahead

Life is a cycle of ups and downs. Sometimes, we face disappointment and despair in our lives, but it is said that good times are always around the corner. God or creation often provides us with signs that indicate positive change is on its way. In this article, we will explore seven such signs that may indicate good times are ahead.

1. Waking up during Brahma Muhurat:

If you find yourself waking up between 3 am and 5 am, known as Brahma Muhurat, and feel refreshed, it could be a sign that a big change is coming. This time is believed to be auspicious, and waking up during this period could indicate that you are on the right path towards success.

2. Sudden Happiness:

If you suddenly feel happy for no reason, it could be a sign that good things are coming your way. Just as the feeling of happiness lifts your mood, positive changes are about to lift your life.

3. Arrival of Gau Mata:

If cows visit your home every day or if birds and animals nest in your house, it could be a sign of good luck. The presence of Gau Mata or other animals is believed to bring good fortune into your home.

4. Babies in the Home:

In many cultures, babies are considered to be a symbol of good luck. If babies suddenly smile at you or say something positive, it could be a sign that positive things are coming your way.

5. Hearing Mantras in a Dream:

If you hear mantras like “Ram Ram” in your dreams or hear the sound of bells or conch shells, it is believed to be a sign of good luck. Such dreams are considered to be auspicious, and they may indicate that positive changes are on their way.

6. Becoming Debt-Free:

If you are in debt and suddenly find a way to pay it off, it could be a sign of good fortune. The decision in your favor in monetary transactions or an unexpected increase in wealth could also be an indication of positive changes ahead.

7. Tearing of Body Parts:

In some cultures, the tearing of specific body parts is considered to be a sign of good luck. For men, tearing the right limb is considered auspicious, while for women, tearing the left limb is seen as a positive sign.


These are some of the signs that indicate good times are ahead. However, it is essential to remember that these signs may not always be accurate, and relying solely on them could be misleading. We must always have faith in ourselves, work hard towards our goals, and be optimistic about the future. Good times will come with persistence, determination, and a positive attitude.


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