Adhik Maas: The Auspicious Extra Month in the Hindu Calendar

Adhik Maas, also known as Purushottam Maas

Adhik Maas, also known as Purushottam Maas or Mal Maas, holds immense spiritual significance in the Hindu lunar calendar. This additional month, occurring approximately every 32.5 months, is considered highly auspicious and sacred. Here, we will explore the significance of Purushottam Maas, the scientific calculation behind Adhik Maas, and the devotional practices associated with this special month.

The Significance of Purushottam Maas:

Purushottam Maas refers to the association of this extra month with Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector in Hindu mythology. It is believed that Lord Vishnu himself resides in this month, making it an opportune time for devotees to intensify their spiritual practices and seek his divine blessings. Devotees engage in acts of devotion, self-discipline, and charity, aiming to purify their souls and strengthen their spiritual connection with the divine.

The Scientific Calculation of Adhik Maas:

The lunar year consists of 354 days, while the solar year comprises 365 days and about 6 hours. This discrepancy accumulates a gap of approximately 11 days, 1 hour, 31 minutes, and 12 seconds between the lunar and solar calendars over time. To reconcile this difference, an extra month, Adhik Maas, is inserted approximately every 32.5 months. This precise calculation ensures the alignment of the lunar calendar with the solar calendar, preserving the harmony between the two.

Devotional Practices during Adhik Maas:

Adhik Maas is regarded as a highly auspicious period for spiritual pursuits and religious observances. Devotees utilize this time to deepen their devotion, engage in self-discipline, and perform acts of charity and selfless service. They recite sacred scriptures, perform rituals, offer prayers, and visit temples with heightened reverence. Fasting and meditation are also common practices during Adhik Maas, allowing devotees to purify their minds, bodies, and souls, and strengthen their connection with the divine.


Adhik Maas, known as Purushottam Maas in relation to Lord Vishnu, holds immense spiritual significance in the Hindu calendar. This additional month, inserted through precise scientific calculations, provides devotees with a special opportunity to intensify their spiritual practices and seek divine blessings. By engaging in acts of devotion, self-discipline, and charity during Adhik Maas, devotees aim to purify their souls and strengthen their spiritual connection with the divine. It is a time to deepen one’s devotion, cultivate gratitude, and experience spiritual growth. Adhik Maas serves as a reminder of the harmonious interplay between celestial cycles and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment in Hindu culture.


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