Monday, April 29, 2024

Does God Exist? | Osho

Does God Exist? Osho's Reaction Osho, a contemporary mystic speaks on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human condition, whether the mind, the heart, love or awareness is exposed with humor and insight, as never before. In this talk Osho responds to...

Spiritual Fence

I have observed a strange pattern in my life. Ever since I was an adolescent and have wanted to do something “wrong” – something that seemed against my value system, there was something to stop me. Or someone would suddenly show up...

I Teach Piety, Not Religion – Osho Book summary, subject and review

I Teach Religiosity, Not Religion. What Does It Mean? Subject, Main Idea, Summary Religion is not what people understand. Religion is not Christianity. It is not Hinduism. It is not Muslim. All the religions that exist in the world...

My deepest God-feeling

For eons, and eons, man has been trying to demystify God. He is trying to understand what is that force – in the presence of which everything works, and in the absence of which, nothing does.

Between God & Me

I love people. I love relationships. Simply put, I love to love, and be loved. Little things are not little for me. I find myself mesmerized over a tiny gesture of unconditional love. A call where true conversation transpires...

Does God Exist? | Swami Vivekananda

Does God Exist? | Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda was a follower and proponent of Vedanta which mentions one God - omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. On 19 September 1893 Swami Vivekananda delivered a lecture at the Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, where he talked about...

Narada Muni wanders in search of a solution

Unable to find a solution to revive Gynana and Vairagya, Narada Muni goes about seeking a solution. Finally, he meets Sanaka and his learned brothers – his only ray of hope.

Deaths should be celebrated, not mourned

Our daily lives in Covid era are surrounded by deaths – of our near ones, someone whom we knew and some well-known figures. Death is inevitable. Death is indeed a loss, but when we are not able to say a final goodbye, our grief is compounded.
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