Religion is just a step, the goal is different
Many consider religion as the ultimate. There has been bloodshed, blind faith and violence when it comes to religion, rather, defending religion. But religion is only a stepping stone, not the goal.
Bhakti is a state of the mind
In Kali Yuga, all that one needs is bhakti to realise God. Narada Muni also tells Bhakti where she can establish herself. For more, click link below.
Despair not, Sri Hari is the sole refuge
Srimad Bhagawatham, Mahatmyam, Chapter One Sloka 70: Vipraiar...In pursuit of transient wealth, Brahmins are going from house to house trying to narrate Srimad Bhagavatham. Due to this attitude, the essence of the holy book is lost.
Did Brahmins Of Vedic Period Eat Beef?
Manusmriti has references to Brahmins tasting meat as part of Vedic rituals. But there are no references that they consumed meat as food.
Just after restrictions were imposed on slaughter of cattle across India, a relative of mine quoted the Manusmriti to argue that Brahmins...
Be a seeker like Arjuna
Every human being including you and I are seekers in some or the other way. Some seek Aadhyaatma, some seek money, some seek gnaana, some seek happiness and so on as per one’s desire.
Be Selfless like Bheeshma, but with a difference!
Selflessness is to value more with the needs and wishes of others than one’s own. Being selfless helps us identify and connect with others that itself is rewarding. It helps crush our egos because we are not acting out of pride or for a desire to be recognized. Selflessness helps us act from our heart and soul instead of our ego, tapping into our true desired emotions.
Did Sri Krishna come from an alien civilisation?
Did Sri Krishna come from an alien civilisation?
The question may sound appalling to some, foolish and silly to many. But consider the way Sri Krishna’s birth and times are described in the puranas, especially Srimad Bhagawatham.
Krishna was not born to human beings. Devaki and...
Faith it is!
Faith. I have been fascinated by this for as long as I can remember. It seems, everything about life is governed by this little five letter word. Every religion, every spiritual text, every Master, seems to be saying – if you have...
The path to self-realisation
Sanat Kumaras, the blessed and highly erudite kids, tell Narada that there are many paths to realise the Paramatman. Many are ritualistic in nature.
Krishna’s departure and re-incarnation
Srimad Bhagavatam Mahatmyam, Chapter 3 Sloka 54: Sri Sootha said: When Sri Krishna decided to leave the earth for his abode, the Lord gave a philosophical discourse enshrined in Volume 11 (Ekadasa Skandam) of Srimad Bhagavatam to this favourite and ardent disciple...