Saturday, May 4, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

The Importance of Water in Pooja Room: Significance and Beliefs

Water has always held a significant place in Hinduism. From the holy rivers to the small pots of water kept in the homes, water is considered sacred and essential for every ritual. In the same way, water holds an essential place in...

Why We Should go to Temple Regularly?

Why Do We Go To Temple and How Does It Help Us? There are thousands of temples all over India in different size, shape and locations but not all of them are considered to be built the Vedic way. Generally, a temple should be located...

Who made Panipuri first..? Draupadi and Panipuri are related..!

Panipuri is a favourite dish filled with potatoes, peas or any other item stuffed into small puris along with various flavoured water. It is very difficult to find a person who does not like Panipuri. Because the taste of panipuri has bothered people to...

Hanuman Jayanti Significance and Importance

What is Hanuman Jayanti ? Hanuman Jayanti is an important festival celebrated by Hindus across India to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman, who is considered one of the most powerful deities in Hindu mythology. The festival is celebrated...

By doing these, you will be able to eliminate your karmas and sins from your previous birth.!

It is believed that a person will suffer the consequences of bad karma of previous births in his current birth. What are the remedies for the sins of previous births..? What remedial measures should be followed to eliminate sin..?

Why is Shankh blown before start of puja in Sanatana Dharma?

The Shankh is the conch shell, which is blown before a puja begins or when someone enters the room. It is also blown five times before offering a prayer to the Gods. The Shankh also has many other uses in Hinduism. It...

Do you know why there are 108 beads in the rosary?

Chanting and reciting special mantras while worshipping and meditating on God is a religious practice. In this holy ritual, we usually say the name of God 108 times. Otherwise, it is natural to say the 108 names of God. Japa Mala will be used with...

Deaths should be celebrated, not mourned

Our daily lives in Covid era are surrounded by deaths – of our near ones, someone whom we knew and some well-known figures. Death is inevitable. Death is indeed a loss, but when we are not able to say a final goodbye, our grief is compounded.

How to Worship God: Sitting or Standing?

In Hinduism, it is important to adhere to certain customs and rituals while performing pooja, especially at home. One common question that arises is whether to sit or stand during the worship. Let's explore the significance of sitting down and the correct...

Significance of Mantras

The significance of mantras in Spiritual awakening Mantra means a sound, a certain expression or syllable . Today, modern science sees all existence as reverberations of energy and different levels of vibration. Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. Therefore...
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