Saturday, May 18, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

Why do we ring the bell before entering a temple?

Have you noticed that there is a bell hanging inside the temple? Whenever people go to a temple for worship, they definitely ring the bell before entering. Also they ring the bell while leaving the temple. Do you know why we need...

Why is Shankh blown before start of puja in Sanatana Dharma?

The Shankh is the conch shell, which is blown before a puja begins or when someone enters the room. It is also blown five times before offering a prayer to the Gods. The Shankh also has many other uses in Hinduism. It...

Why should we donate lamps on Kartik Purnima day?

It is customary to light a lamp in the river on the day of Kartik Purnima. Donating a lamp, making the lamp flow in a river or lighting a lamp and placing it in the right place is called a lamp donation....

Do you know why there are 108 beads in the rosary?

Chanting and reciting special mantras while worshipping and meditating on God is a religious practice. In this holy ritual, we usually say the name of God 108 times. Otherwise, it is natural to say the 108 names of God. Japa Mala will be used with...

Navratri 2022: What is the relationship between Navadurgas and Ayurvedic herbs..?

Navadurga means the nine forms of Maa Durga. But few people know that there are nine herbs that represent the essence of Navadurga. In the Markandeya Purana, these nine herbs are mentioned as possessing the essential properties of Durga. Lord Brahma also called it Durga...

Shh… Keep these things secret in your purse.. Wealth will surely come..!

If anyone wants to get money blessings, he should keep some things secretly in his purse on Thursday. What items should be kept in the purse..? Do you know what kind of purse we use? Lord Vishnu, the personification of wealth,...

By doing these, you will be able to eliminate your karmas and sins from your previous birth.!

It is believed that a person will suffer the consequences of bad karma of previous births in his current birth. What are the remedies for the sins of previous births..? What remedial measures should be followed to eliminate sin..?

Who are Sapta Chiranjeevi’s in mythology?

There are seven Chiranjeevi's as mentioned in Hindu scriptures. Chiranjeevi's are those who are believed to be alive in this Kali Yuga until Satya Yuga begins. We find many amazing things in our Puranas. One of them is immortality or...

Who made Panipuri first..? Draupadi and Panipuri are related..!

Panipuri is a favourite dish filled with potatoes, peas or any other item stuffed into small puris along with various flavoured water. It is very difficult to find a person who does not like Panipuri. Because the taste of panipuri has bothered people to...

Why say Swaha after chanting the Mantra in Homa – Havan..?

Havan tradition has been practised in our country for a long time. In Hinduism, every auspicious occasion has the rule of Homa - Havan. It is believed that one should remember God before doing any auspicious work, only then the work will be successful. While...
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