Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

What Happens After Death in Hinduism?

What happens after death- Extracts from 'The Garuda Purana' What is death ? Is there life after death ? Is death painful? What happens after death ? How does rebirth happen ? Where do we go after death ? These kind of questions related to the most feared event that ends...

Hanuman Jayanti Significance and Importance

What is Hanuman Jayanti ? Hanuman Jayanti is an important festival celebrated by Hindus across India to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman, who is considered one of the most powerful deities in Hindu mythology. The festival is celebrated...

The 52 Shakti Peethas: Sacred Sites of Divine Feminine Power

The concept of Shakti Peethas is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and devotion. Shakti, meaning "power" or "energy," represents the divine feminine energy, and the Shakti Peethas are sacred shrines dedicated to various forms of the goddess Shakti. It is believed that...

By doing these, you will be able to eliminate your karmas and sins from your previous birth.!

It is believed that a person will suffer the consequences of bad karma of previous births in his current birth. What are the remedies for the sins of previous births..? What remedial measures should be followed to eliminate sin..?

Do you know these 10 things about the Airavata Elephant..?

The Airavata elephant is an elephant with religious significance. After hearing the name of this elephant, it is common to get excited about that elephant. What are the things we need to know about Airavata Elephant..? Here are 10 things we should know about the...

These predictions of Vishnu Purana surprisingly came true today!

Vishnu Purana is different compared to Garuda Purana and Shiva Purana. The Vishnu Purana talks about the future. It is surprising that what is happening now is the same as mentioned about Kaliyuga in the Vishnu Purana. What are the incidents mentioned...

Why Makar Sankranti celebrated

Makar Sankranti is one of the most important Hindu festival celebrated in India every year. This festival is also known as Pongal, Lohri, Magh Bihu, Maghi Sankrant and Makaravilakku across the country. It marks the transition of the sun...

Why is Ugadi celebrated?

Ugadi, also known as Yugadi, is a festival celebrated in the southern states of India, especially in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka, to mark the beginning of a new year according to the Hindu lunar calendar. The festival is also called Gudi...

Ardhanarishvara Shiva: Embodying Harmony and Divine Union

Ardhanarishvara Shiva, the composite and androgynous form of Lord Shiva and his divine consort, Goddess Parvati, represents a profound synthesis of masculine and feminine energies within Hindu mythology. This iconic deity, depicted as a fusion of male and female attributes divided along...

Holi: Significance and Celebration

Holi is a Hindu festival that is widely celebrated in India and Nepal, as well as by the Indian around the world. It is a celebration of the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. The festival is also...
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