Thursday, May 16, 2024

How to conduct a conversation?

We all know how to chat, but building a competent conversation and establishing contacts with others is a completely different thing. How to conduct a conversation with people in order to please others and achieve what you want? Secrets of professional conversation....

How to quickly develop and grow in life?

Not everything in life is perfect, but we ourselves are far from perfect. There is always a place to develop, grow, and move forward in life. It is time to think about how to achieve a more harmonious, happy, good and pleasant...

By taking these things free of charge, Shani Dosha is assured …!

It is said in the scriptures that we should not take or get certain things from anyone for free i.e. without paying money. If we take these things without paying, Shani Dosha will form in the horoscope. Do you know which things...

Mistakes of Our Youth

When you become old and wise, many mistakes will be made. Men and women were asked to talk about their unfortunate mistakes of youth, which they regret. What should not be done in youth, so as not to regret it later?

These 5 things stay with us even after death..! What are they?

It is common to mumble the lines of coming naked and going naked, just darkness between coming and going, life needs the light of devotion, vithalana should be celebrated for liberation. We may have heard that what we do not take with us...

Navaratri Day 3: Chandraghanta – Fierce Protection

As the vibrant festival of Navaratri continues, the third day is dedicated to the worship of Chandraghanta, the warrior goddess who embodies strength, courage, and protection. Her name, which means "the one who has a moon-shaped bell," signifies her divine power to...

Dussehra Across India: Regional Celebrations

Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, is one of India's most prominent and widely celebrated festivals. While the core theme of Dussehra remains the victory of good over evil, the festival takes on diverse regional flavors and traditions across the country. This article...

China’s youngsters practice a form of Hindu philosophy

The new fad and lifestyle among Chinese millennials is to just lie flat and do as little as possible. They call it ‘Chilling.’ This is to avoid early burnout. It is a form of meditation, a runaway from the materialistic world, and...

Navratri 2022: What is the relationship between Navadurgas and Ayurvedic herbs..?

Navadurga means the nine forms of Maa Durga. But few people know that there are nine herbs that represent the essence of Navadurga. In the Markandeya Purana, these nine herbs are mentioned as possessing the essential properties of Durga. Lord Brahma also called it Durga...

The Concept of Enlightenment: A Comparison of Different Spiritual Traditions

Enlightenment is a central concept in many spiritual traditions, yet it has various interpretations and practices across different cultures and beliefs. Whether it is referred to as "Nirvana" in Buddhism, "Moksha" in Hinduism, or "Satori" in Zen, the ultimate goal of spiritual...
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