Thursday, May 2, 2024

Spiritual Readings

spiritual readings blog would explore certain facets of the puranas and characters from close quarters and also question certain well-ingrained conventional thinking. This is not a rebel column, but, like in the yore, here our plan is to bring out the truth, as we see it, through intense questioning. It may be correct, it may be wrong, but just give it a thought. That’s all.

Chanakya Niti: These 5 things of Acharya Chanakya that will open the door to success

Chanakya Niti:  Acharya Chanakya has highlighted important aspects related to life in Chanakya policy. At the same time, he has also brought attention to the solution of some problems of life. Similarly, he has told some very useful and amazing things for the students too. By...

Chanakya says waking these 5 people from sleep will kill you…!

According to Acharya Chanakya sleep is very important for an individual. Similarly, he says that these 5 persons should never be awakened from their sleep. According to Chanakya, do you know which 5 persons we should not wake up from sleep? Forget...

Chanakya Neeti: Understanding the Consequences of a Wicked Son

Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, was a revered figure in ancient India who held expertise in diverse fields such as philosophy, teaching, economics, and statesmanship. His contributions were instrumental in shaping the political landscape of his time. Living during the...

Ahimsa: Embracing Nonviolence for Personal and Universal Harmony

In the journey towards the regeneration and divinization of humanity, the first crucial step is to shed our beastly nature, characterized by cruelty. Recognizing this, enlightened sages have long advocated the practice of Ahimsa, or non-injury. Ahimsa (also spelled Ahinsa), derived from...

Encyclopaedia of Hinduism

A readable reference on the history and traditions of Hinduism. Encyclopedia of Hinduism explores a religion that emerged from prehistory and lives today in astonishing variety. Offering approximately 700 A-to-Z entries, this accessible encyclopedia focuses on the most significant groups...

If You Want To Get Success Then Follow These Things.

Chanakya says that those who want to succeed in life should try to incorporate these things into their lives. What are those things..? You to adopt these in life. Chanakya Neethi inspires a person to achieve success in life. This...

Chanakya neeti says living with these types of people can invite death into one’s life

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, we all need to be careful about the people we interact with in our daily lives. Our success and happiness depend on the people we surround ourselves with. This is a lesson that the great Indian...

A Spot of Darkness Dispelled by A Thousand Suns

Says Shaunaka: Hey Suthan, Master who has the power of a thousand suns, please dispel and destroy the darkness in me caused due to lack of knowledge by narrating the stories in Srimad Bhagawatham.

Chanakya Neeti: 3 Tips for Accomplishing Any Task with Ease

In his renowned work, Chanakya Neeti, the ancient Indian philosopher and scholar Chanakya offers valuable insights on completing tasks effectively. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves unable to finish a task or leave it incomplete. However, Chanakya provides three simple...
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