Friday, May 3, 2024

Spiritual Readings

spiritual readings blog would explore certain facets of the puranas and characters from close quarters and also question certain well-ingrained conventional thinking. This is not a rebel column, but, like in the yore, here our plan is to bring out the truth, as we see it, through intense questioning. It may be correct, it may be wrong, but just give it a thought. That’s all.

Garuda Purana says these bad habits can destroy life

The Garuda Purana describes the state before death and the state after death. Garuda Purana says many mysterious things about our lives.  According to the Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu gave the answer as to what things lead a person towards moksha. It...

How To Tame Your Brain And Attain Calmness

Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter Two Sloka 4: Satyadhithriyuge.In the three previous yugas – Krita, Thetra and Dwapara – wisdom and renunciation led to Mukti (liberation of the soul), but in Kali Yuga, only Bhakti is enough to attain...

Krishna’s brief for Bhakti – Srimad Bhagavatam

Krishna Consciousness ( Moksha or Mukti (salvation) )  Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter Two Sloka 7: Angeekritam. Obeying that order from Sri Krishna and ready to implement His order, He was extremely pleased and gave...

Chanakya Neeti: Consequences of Greed for Another’s Wealth

Acharya Chanakya, the sage of ancient India, offered profound wisdom for living a successful and virtuous life. Among his teachings, he emphasized the perils of coveting someone else's wealth. Greed for another's money can lead to a host of problems and undesirable...

Chanakya Niti: These 5 things of Acharya Chanakya that will open the door to success

Chanakya Niti:  Acharya Chanakya has highlighted important aspects related to life in Chanakya policy. At the same time, he has also brought attention to the solution of some problems of life. Similarly, he has told some very useful and amazing things for the students too. By...

Chanakya Niti For Success: just keep these things in mind

Chanakya Niti For Success- Let us tell you today what things should be avoided in daily work behaviour so that you do not have to face troubles and you will get success. Chanakya Niti For Success- Acharya Chanakya was...

Chanakya Neeti: The Wisdom of Knowing When to Retreat

Acharya Chanakya, the renowned ancient Indian scholar, political strategist, and philosopher, shared his profound insights in Chanakya Neeti, a compilation of teachings encompassing various aspects of life. One of his significant principles emphasizes the importance of recognizing situations where it is wise...

As Chanakya Niti says, if you don’t take care of these things, you’ll become poor

Chanakya says that if a person wants to become rich, he should keep certain things in mind. If you don't take care of these things, even a rich person can become poor. Acharya Chanakya has the status of a great...

Do you know about these 4 ancient temples of Lord Shiva?

Lord Shiva Puja: It is believed that in order to please Lord Shiva, one should worship Lord Shiva on Monday morning by taking a bath in the morning. Lord Shiva Puja: The day of Monday is dedicated to Lord...

The Bhagavad Gita’s Teachings on Tolerance and Devotion

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most revered texts in Hinduism, providing guidance and wisdom on the spiritual path. It is a part of the epic Mahabharata and is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, who is seeking guidance in...
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