Saturday, May 18, 2024

The science behind mantras and how they work

The practice of repeating mantras has been utilized for thousands of years in various cultures as a means of spiritual and mental development. However, the use of mantras is not solely confined to religious practices. In recent years, the scientific community has...

The Samkhya Philosophy

Samkhya philosophy is one of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism. It is most related to the Yoga school of Hinduism, and it is also the oldest of the six schools. Samkhya is dualistic, and it...

Navigating the Maze of Loneliness: 10 Essential Reminders

Loneliness is a universal human experience. At some point in our lives, we all find ourselves feeling lost and alone. It's important to remember that these feelings are entirely normal, and they are something we can overcome. In those challenging moments, it...

KBC Question: Who was Lopamudra, Married To The Sage Whom He Created?

In KBC-12 i.e. Kaun Banega Crorepati, a question was asked, which sage was he, who created a girl and then married her. She was Lopamudra. Whose forms of discussion were everywhere. But she was also a very intelligent woman.

Lord Ganesha Birth Story, read what is written in the Puranas

Lord Ganesha Birth Story: The description of the incarnation of Lord Ganesha, his pastimes and his captivating forms are found in the Puranas and scriptures. He has had many incarnations from Kalpbhed. Lord Ganesha Birth Story: According to...

10 Tips to get over regret and move forward in life

Regret is a universal human experience, often stemming from decisions we wish we had made differently. It can be a heavy burden that weighs us down and prevents us from fully enjoying the present and embracing future opportunities. However, with the right...

Finding Happiness: Tips for People with Busy Schedules

In today's fast-paced world, being busy is almost considered a badge of honor. However, sometimes the pursuit of success and wealth can come at a cost to our happiness. People with busy schedules often find it difficult to balance their personal and...

It is auspicious if a slipper is stolen in the temple on this day!

Take off your shoes and slippers outside the temple and go to see God. But many times there is a fear that the shoes and boots will not be stolen. But in that case, if the shoes are lost, someone will be sad. But instead of...

Should you or shouldn’t you?

Love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life? Now more and more often you can hear that I owe nothing to anyone. How to be successful and happy? The modern generation lives by the principle...
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