Thursday, May 16, 2024

Strange Facts

Learn more about the amazing world around you with these interesting facts that are guaranteed to tantalize your mind!

What will Goddess Durga ride in Navratri 2022..? What is the vehicle of Goddess Durga this time..?

Navratri festival is the biggest festival where Goddess Durga is worshipped for 9 days. During Navratri Goddess Durga comes to earth to meet her devotees. The vehicle she rides on when she comes to earth gives an auspicious, inauspicious indication of the...

Vishwakarma Jayanthi – A Significant Day to Pay Tribute to the Creator of the World

According to belief in the scriptures, Dharma is the son of Lord Brahma. Vastudeva is the son of Dharma. Vishwakarma was the son born to Angirasa and Vastudeva. Around the same time, according to a legend in the Skanda Purana, Prabhas, the eighth son of...

Do you know these 10 things about the Airavata Elephant..?

The Airavata elephant is an elephant with religious significance. After hearing the name of this elephant, it is common to get excited about that elephant. What are the things we need to know about Airavata Elephant..? Here are 10 things we should know about the...

There is a scientific reason behind wearing Toe Rings.!

Toe Ring Benefits: One of the most important traditions in Hinduism is the wearing of the Toe Ring by married girls. Some believe it is a sign of marriage. But, did you know that wearing anklets is not just a tradition, there is also...

The Might and Splendour of Navaratri

Navratri is celebrated in various ways across India. People in the north celebrate the festival as victory of Lord Rama over Ravana on Vijaya Dashami day. But in the south, where the actual preparations for the battle by Lord Rama to invade...

China’s youngsters practice a form of Hindu philosophy

The new fad and lifestyle among Chinese millennials is to just lie flat and do as little as possible. They call it ‘Chilling.’ This is to avoid early burnout. It is a form of meditation, a runaway from the materialistic world, and...

Deaths should be celebrated, not mourned

Our daily lives in Covid era are surrounded by deaths – of our near ones, someone whom we knew and some well-known figures. Death is inevitable. Death is indeed a loss, but when we are not able to say a final goodbye, our grief is compounded.

Where did Lord Ganesha’s real head? Learn the mythology behind it

Lord Ganesha Puja: Lord Ganesha defeats the sufferings of all people. It is said that worshipping the first venerable Ganesha with reverence brings happiness and prosperity in the house and the house becomes full of wealth. Lord Ganesha Puja:...

The spiritual significance of Marigold flowers

The spiritual meaning of marigold flowers marigold flowers are very popular in Indian life, weddings, and festivities because they represent the sun, symbolizing brightness and positive energy. Both yellow and orange marigolds are widely used in traditional Indian wedding...

Know these important things related to the broom, with the blessings of Maa Lakshmi, there will be a rain of money

Vastu Tips For Broom: According to Vastu, the broom has an important role in the cleanliness of the house. It is said in the Puranas that Goddess Lakshmi lives in a broom. Therefore, many rules related to broom have been stated in...
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