Thursday, May 9, 2024

Spiritual Readings

spiritual readings blog would explore certain facets of the puranas and characters from close quarters and also question certain well-ingrained conventional thinking. This is not a rebel column, but, like in the yore, here our plan is to bring out the truth, as we see it, through intense questioning. It may be correct, it may be wrong, but just give it a thought. That’s all.

Purpose of Life III: How To Identify Attained Souls

Purpose of Life III: How To Identify Attained Souls In the last episode Kavi yogi had told Nimi Chakravarthy about what exactly is Bhagavata Dharma (Ref. My article `Purpose of Life Part II’) Also Read, The Purpose of Life's Journey- I, Introduction The Purpose Of Life's Journey-...

Hindu Beliefs: the Tree, a Sensitive and Conscious being

While the United Nations encourages cities and metropolises to plant trees in order to curb global warming, this phenomenon has existed in Delhi for a very long time. The city is indeed, remarkable for its greenery. Besides its huge parks, the vast...

Chanakya says never fight with these 4 people..! Do you know why?

Chanakya said in his policy that he should never have a fight or dispute with these 4 people in his life. According to Acharya Chanakya, you know who we should not fight with 4 people..? If we fight with these 4 people,...

Guru, Sri Krishna and Chintamani

Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter One Sloka 6: Shreysam el bhave . Translation: Among all the virtues, which is the topmost, among purity which is the most important, what is the path that leads to Krishna? Please tell me.

The Life-Changing Knowledge of Lord Sri Krishna

Life's lessons give meaning to life. They are reassuring. The words of Lord Krishna also shed the light of knowledge in everyone, bringing everyone to think. Lord Krishna is a friend and a God. Krishna's Vachanamritas are always the...

The Story of Bhakti – Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter One Sloka 47-53: Ulpanadravida... I was born in Dravida land, grew up in Karnataka, gained strength in Maharashtra, in Gujarat I became old. Due to the widespread of terrible kali there, people who did not...

Sage Narada To Bhakti: Wake Up And Focus On Krishna- Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahatmyam, Chapter Two Sloka 1: Naradouvacha.Vridha.Hey young lady, you are unnecessarily worrying. What is the use of this state of mind? Meditate of the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, then your sorrows would vanish. Interpretation: Sage Narada...

Chanakya Niti: Ego And Lust are the Enemies of Humans

Acharya Chanakya says that those who are under lust cannot see. At the same time, an egoistic person never feels that he is doing something bad. Acharya Chanakya was known as a skilled politician, astute diplomat, eminent economist....

Purpose of Life IV: Fear Not Maya, Accept It

The Purpose of Life’s Journey IV: Fear Not Maya, Accept It Also Read, The Purpose of Life's Journey- I, Introduction The Purpose Of Life's Journey- II, Bhagavatha Dharma The Purpose Of Life's Journey- III, How to Identify Attained Souls After the discourse by Kavi Muni and Hari Muni on...

The Purpose of Life’s Journey: Introduction

The Purpose of Life’s Journey: Introduction Quite often, in our puranas, we come across question and answer sessions on life and philosophy. This format is easy to understand and relate to, rather than a one-sided preaching on tough philosophical issues. One such Q&A session is between...
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