Anything may happen at any time to take away your pride, your wealth, your happiness; but no one can steal your humility.
One of the most important and treasured qualities in life is humility. Anything may happen at any time to take away your pride, your wealth, your happiness; but no one can take away your humility. Nobody can steal your humility. Learning to listen, not crib, work hard, act upon ideas, live with integrity and be self-confident — all these become much more easier if we retain the core quality of humility, according to Azim Premji, chairman of Wipro.
Addressing students at the fifth convocation of the Azim Premji University in Bengaluru on Saturday, he said: “I have been extraordinarily lucky in having friends, teachers, family and colleagues who have opened unthinkable opportunities in life for me.”
“With this realization comes the conclusion that personal humility is a true reflection of gratitude to all these special people.”
“In our work, we will continuously realize how important humility is. So is integrity.”
“Integrity is also about delivering on your commitments to everyone. The highest form of integrity is the commitment you make to yourself.”
“Everyone must be able to convert their dreams to reality. Vision without action is hallucination. Be prepared to work hard to convert your dreams into reality. Ideas are great, but ideas without action are of no use,” said Premji.