Wednesday, May 8, 2024

There is a scientific reason behind wearing Toe Rings.!

Toe Ring Benefits: One of the most important traditions in Hinduism is the wearing of the Toe Ring by married girls. Some believe it is a sign of marriage. But, did you know that wearing anklets is not just a tradition, there is also...

Shri Krishna: As a child, Lord Krishna had shown the path of Yamalok to the Eight Demons.

Krishna Leela: Lord Krishna started his leela when he was younger. In the form of Baal, God killed not one, not two, but eight Asuras. Krishna Aur Kans: When Devaki and Vasudev got married, there was an All India Radio. This...

What Things should We see When we Wake Up in the Morning..?

It is believed that if we see something good in the morning, the day will be better and if we see something bad or things we don't like, the whole day will be ruined. So, what things should we see when we wake...

You will not know about these 5 secrets related to Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva Puja: It is believed that in order to please Lord Shiva, one should worship Lord Shiva on Monday morning by taking a bath in the morning. Lord Shiva Puja: The day of Monday is dedicated to Lord...

10 Things You Can Learn From Hinduism

Hinduism is a religion and philosophy that originated in India. It has many different beliefs and practices, but it's all fundamentally Hindu and shares some core values and ideas. Life is a series of births and deaths.

Do you know these 10 things about the Airavata Elephant..?

The Airavata elephant is an elephant with religious significance. After hearing the name of this elephant, it is common to get excited about that elephant. What are the things we need to know about Airavata Elephant..? Here are 10 things we should know about the...

You will lose everything if you do these 10 things at sunset…!

The scriptures warn against doing certain things after sunset or during sunset. If these things are done then the person will face health problems and money problems. What things should we not do after sunset? According to Hinduism and astrology, there...

Shiva Purana says that those who commit these 9 mistakes are sinners..! Did you too..?

In our religious scriptures, good, bad, sinful and virtuous deeds related to man's work and conduct are detailed. Shiva Purana also says that some of the things done by man are equal to sin. According to Shiva Purana, what act of a woman or...

These 8 Bhagavad Gita teachings of Lord Krishna will surely change your life..!

In the Mahabharata war, seeing Arjuna distracted, Lord Krishna gave Arjuna knowledge of the Gita to continue on the path of duty. How did Lord Krishna inspire Arjuna to save the world and religion..? How does the essence of the Bhagavad Gita affect our...

This Brahmastra of Mahabharata is more destructive than a nuclear bomb..!

Brahmastra is one of the powerful weapons mentioned in Puranas or used in legendary battles. The current movie with the same name has created more curiosity among people. Why Brahmastra is so powerful than all other weapons..? What is the power of...
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