In the Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu tells Garuda in great detail about the right way of life, virtue, devotion, detachment, Yaga, penance etc. It is also said about what things neither a man nor a woman should do. Do you know which 4 things neither a man nor a woman should do?
In all religious scriptures, there are certain things that improve life. But there is a belief about the Garuda Purana that everything that is said in it is what Vishnu himself told Garuda. To quench the curiosity of the bird king Garuda, Narayana spoke in great detail about the right way of life, virtue, devotion, detachment, Yaga, penance etc.
Along with this, the conditions at the time of death and after death are also revealed. In this Purana, apart from heaven, hell and pitruloka, the process of taking a second body by the soul is also shared. Its purpose is only to make human life happy.
In Garuda Purana, 4 things are mentioned that both men and women should not do.
1. Husband – Wife should stay together:
According to Garuda Purana, neither a woman nor a man should be away from their partner for long. It not only affects married life but also causes many problems in the family. To live a safe and dignified life, it is good for both to live together in love.
2. Maintain:
It is said that once guna or nature is gone, nothing remains. That is why every man and woman should keep their character well. Apart from this, one should not befriend any person of bad character. Such people are said to experience failure very quickly in life.
3. Respect everyone:
It is written in Garuda Purana that every person should respect others. If you insult someone at present, you will definitely face problems in the future. So speak good words and respect everyone says Garuda Purana.
4. Don’t stay in other’s houses:
If you want to maintain respect and dignity in life, never stay in another’s house for long. Living in other people’s houses makes a person uncomfortable and lowers his dignity. Moreover, women’s safety is at risk.
As mentioned in Garuda Purana, it is said that neither a man nor a woman should do these four things. By doing these 4 mistakes, we lose our respect and prestige.